Lucky Four Black Velvet The Cats Meow
Dun Mare, 33 inch, May 13, 2009
S: Little Kings Black Velvet.
D: Solid Gold TCS Love Note.
DNA tested, Parentage Qualified.
We are so lucky, Lucky Four Black Velvet The Cats Meow, a daughter of the best breeding son of Boones little Buckeroo namely Little Kings Black Velvet. Top Futurity Sire, Sire of Multiple World Champions and Multiple World Grand Champions. Meow is one of the showpieces of our stable! Meow is a very good mare and loves nothing more than cuddling. She has a very special color. A nice thin factor with beautiful fine dark legs that are delineated by a light brown crown edge just above the hoof. Her shoulders as well as her legs are marked with dark stripes, which is so special on her golden brown coat. A brown dorsal stripe completes the connection between her dark mane and tail. A beautiful miniature horse!